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Showing posts from February, 2015

Breaking a pattern

2012-2014 has been an interesting yet challenging time. It has challenged my faith beliefs and shook my very core. It featured heartbreak, change, disappointment, love, regaining faith. I had to relearn my value, and pull out my roots and replant them and be unsure unstable and vulnerable. It brought me back to God, back to His love, His everlasting protection, mercy and compassion. I'm still afraid though, of losing Him I need Him. Every second of every day. I need for the connection to remain, I am desperate. Regardless of the loss and heartbreak al hamdulilah I am grateful and optimistic with Him you can only be so. I'm rekindling my passions, calming my nerves, pampering myself, taking better care of it and learning to love myself the most. Hopefully I will take you on a journey with me that you may be able to relate to. InshaALLAH the journey will encompass new adventures, a positive attitude, food, travel, love , success and tons of positivity! Just t